WP6 - Stack & System Modelling

© X. Guan, UNSW

A hydraulic stack model that utilizes a fully customizable geometry  allows for individualized adjustments. It can accommodate various real-life situations like blockages, current fluctuations, or manufacturing tolerances, and provides optimized solutions to enhance performance.

  • Overview:
  • In more detail:
    • articleon Next-Generation Vanadium Flow Batteries
    • articleon 3D Hydraulic Stack Model Considering Pororsity Variations and Bypass Flow in Side Gaps
    • Conference Paper
      X. Guan, M. Skyllas-Kazacos, and C. Menictas, “A coupled hydraulic and electrochemical stack and system model for aqueous organic flow battery: the MV/TEMPTMA system,” in International Flow Battery Forum 2024 (IFBF 2024), Glasgow, United Kingdom: IFBF, Jun. 2024.
    • Manuscript in preparation:
      X. Guan, M. Skyllas-Kazacos, and C. Menictas, An electrochemical stack model for aqueous organic flow battery: the MV/TEMPTMA system, submitted in April 2024.
  • Contact